Please help me understand...
When you've dated a few people, you end up with a small collection of songs that will forever remind you of an ex. For a while, those songs may make you upset or maybe regretful or nostalgic.
But is it weird that, after 4 years, I'm still annoyed that an ex boyfriend ruined a song that I love? Especially since I don't have bad feelings toward him now?
I hate it when songs are ruined due to people in my's an occupational hazzard of dating
Is the song really ruined? Even if it makes you sad to listen to it, and makes you think of your ex every time you hear it, I wouldn't say the song is ruined for you. It now has a deeper meaning for you. You've had a life experience and that song has migrated from the superficial playlist to the nostalgic platinum album. Be wistfully happy, not angry.
I can totally understand. You feel what you feel. It definitely happens at times.
You should track him down and begin wailing on him while screaming "WHY WHY WHY." Should be easy to find him, since you're on good terms & all.
I have several songs with my ex husband and none with any other boyfriends. Luckily, I like my ex husband, so mine aren't ruined.
I have a few songs that remind me of ex's. But, the tougher part for me are places.
I had this problem once. And considering how many woman I date, I had to come up with a solution. So here is what I do:
Find a song you do not like, but can handle hearing a lot (I know that is hard). Or a song you like but are willing to accept as a bad song.
Then, use that song in EVERY relationship. Find a way to incorporate that song as "our song". Use the same song with every guy.
By doing this, you can remember them all at the exact same time. Bad or good. Also, when you are not dating anyone you can listen to whatever you want and it will not remind you of anyone, you just have to stay away from that song.
None of them will ever know that they share the same song as every other guy. Guys are stupid, we would never know.
Trust me on this, it works great.
It's annoying and I've tried to change that. I just archive the songs and forget it. By the time the song lacks meaning I'm sick and tired of it. So what's the point, ya know?
There is one by Modest Mouse, "Perfect Disguise" that I just can't give up. It reminds me him. Of wooden floors. White linen. Cigarettes. Chess. He always holds a place. Maybe that's why I can't give it up.
Is it that weird circus song? if so, I totally understand.
I dated a guy YEARS ago and whenever I hear Tender Love, by the Force MC's, I run to turn the station before I vomit in my mouth. lol That's bad.
I'm not sure if I ever told you about this guy from senior year, but we never even dated and he still managed to ruin an entire band for me.
I broke up with this dude about seven years ago. I have JUST been able to start listening to The Beastie Boys again.
I HATE it when that happens.
Love the blog, by the way! :)
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