Friday, July 27

A hole in one

On Tuesday, boss was out all day.  When he came back, Receptionist said "You know what?  I dont think he was out sick or anything.  I think he went golfing.  He looks tan."
Later in the day, I heard Creative Insult Guy at Boss' desk saying "So you did all 18 holes, or just 9?"
This morning, Boss sent an email saying he would be out of the office until noon.  "Boss," I whined, "Are you going golfing AGAIN?!"
Creative Insult Guy passed by my desk and whispered "He's going to a funeral..."
And that's when I discovered that there is no way to recover from jokes made unknowingly about funerals.  (Ones made knowingly are totally fine, though)


Sipwine said...

ooooooooooooooooooh. my. god.

Yep, no backing outta those. SO sorry TAB!

S* said...

*laughing and pointing at your foot in your mouth*

Moderator said...

If we couldn't laugh, we'd all be crying.

Anonymous said...

Open mouth insert foot....

Anonymous said...

LOL opps

Anonymous said...

Oh man. foot in mouth. I know someone who works at a very casual office and one of his co-workers showed up in a suit one day and my friend said "who died??" as a joke...and well, it turns out someone had died.

Anonymous said...

LOL, you crack me up!

The Ambiguous Blob said...

dude, that sucks.

Miss Devylish said...

I'm sure he wished he was golfing anyway.. so at least you gave him something to think of for later..? Trying to think positive here.