Friday, October 19

Like freelancing, only you probably won't get paid

My school's art program administrative assistant sent an email to all the visual arts students. In it, a student film competition is described.

As with most student film competitions that are widely marketed, there is not only a winner but a cash prize. This particular competition, though it is sponsored by Microsoft (headquartered in Redmond, WA), will hold its awards ceremony in Los Angeles (headquarters of Hollywood and a majority of the American film industry).

Beyond this fact, there is absolutely nothing "cinematic" about this competition. The task is essentially to create a short film (under 4 minutes) depicting the potential of new Microsoft programs to improve our environmental crisis. Instead of hiring a quality production company and assigning some of the program's creative directors to consult with the company on the project (no doubt resulting in a higher-quality film), Microsoft would like to use the resources of struggling artists or technologically savvy individuals who have never slapped a film together before. In return, all they have to do is host an awards ceremony and pay small sums to only the most favored participants - a fraction of the amount they most likely would have spent on an actual advertising concept bought from a marketing company.

The modern version of slave labor, or a magnanimous act drawing attention to environmentalism, future filmmakers of the country, and... the TV show Heroes?

I'm going to do it if I have time. After all, the grand prize is $25 grand.


Dropout! said...

Didn't we go over this already? This is a win-win situation: Microsoft gets cheap advertising, students get to learn about and teach how Microsoft is going to save the world, and a few kids get to pay off part of their student loans. Everybody wins!

Although I gotta say when you first sent me that link I got excited because I thought it was about the show, and then I saw... that.

muse said...

Our local grocery store did something like this, with the promise to 'air' the winning commercial. The commercials that I have seen from this competition have been witty and creative. Thank goodness people have some creative outlet.

As for the MS contest...I think our environment is way to important an issue to entrust to amateurs. That shit ain't right.

Miss Devylish said...

You know what tho? No matter how much MS spends, it's well-known here that their marketing sucks. Whether they save cash on you guys or not, you're all probably going to do a much better job than the stuffed suits they pay a kajillion dollars to do the same job. Good luck if you do it!

Anonymous said...

wow, this blog really went downhill. No offense, but what happened to all the boy trouble?

The Accidental Bitch said...

dropout Win-win except for me, because I probably won't win.

muse - Also, it's not like Microsoft can't afford to pay some professionals...

miss devylish - Thanks, we'll see if I actually do any of it...

anon - Sorry I'm not having boy trouble? I'll try to conjure up some problems just for you.