Saturday, January 6

I have an excuse. Everyone else does not.

Sorry for the lack of posting while I recover from my surgery!

I will try to write a post while I'm high on percocet... just for you.

PS. The reason The Ex did not return the favor in the last post is because I was on my period. He returned it later... I'll tell that story... later. Maybe.


Eileen Dover said...

Oh geez, surgery!

Hope the recovery goes well.

COMPLETELY understand why the favour wasn't returned, but dangit, you have me on edge again.

emma5 said...

Don't get back with Boyfriend! That's just my opinion.

S* said...

Argh...I really hope you don't get caught up in the same old thing again!

Airam said...

Hmmm ...

[] said...

Mmm, percocet...

Have a good recovery.

(I have a guy friend who doesn't mind returning favors, no matter the time of the month)

The Ambiguous Blob said...

I hope your recovery is going well. Please write a completely drugged out post asap.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get better soon.

Anonymous said...

The best kind of boyfriend (or ex) doesn't care if you are on your period...there are ways around such things:)

Unknown said...

He must have an enormous todger.


Anonymous said...

I hope you are feeling okay.

And I don't give a shit what you do! It's your life! Keep happy (not hard to do with the happy ass pills).