The other intern
Today I met my better half. Or as I like to call her (always with an internal sneer), the other intern.
Okay, I just met her today. How can I hate her that much? It turns out I have a good reason:
They hired two interns because they wanted someone to be there during business hours every day. Naturally, this means I have to compete with her to be the more outstanding intern (not that I'm competitive). Usually, I am the master at this. I don't brown nose, but I'm pretty damn charming (I hope... it's either that or I brown nose unknowingly). The problem in this case is that she started working on January 5th, whereas my first day was January 25th.
Twenty days may not seem like a big difference, but when you're doing the same job it really is. Since this is an internship, I already have only 3 months to prove myself as a valuable worker. On my first day I was subjected to comments like "I don't want to teach you this; the other intern will show you how. She has a system." Clearly I have no say in the matter. Since she already knows how to do everything, our superiors will probably prefer to give assignments to her over me. Then it will look as though I'm not a "go-getter". Little do they know, I love going-and-getting. Love it.
Oh. And also I'm still recovering from surgery, so even though walking around a bunch isn't a medically sound idea, people might still interpret that to be laziness. Perhaps I should tape a sign to my face that says "I am temporarily crippled" and one on my back that says "No, seriously." If I do that, though, maybe I should also put up witty bumper stickers or the Sunday comics.
So even though I met the [sneer] other intern and she was really nice, and she was sympathetic when I complained about being in pain... all I could think about was how irritating it was that she knew how to do everything. That and her shirt was way too low-cut. Skank.
That was awesome.
Argh, the horrible cruelty of circumstance! Go kick some ass, TAB.
All you can do is do what she does but BETTER. Innovation is a talent.
What are you interning for?
Ugh, what a position to be in. I wish you luck.
I'm sure you'll outshine her anyway though :)
I'm sorry that I'm so much better than you and have systems and everyone loves me, but... actually no I'm not. Suck it, loser intern.
I mean-that bitchho!
Kiss some serious ass in all the right places. You'll blow her outta the water in no time!
who's hotter?
The awesomest actually.. ha..
Awww, that sucks! You need to work your ass off now. Keep us posted on the war of interns. lol.
BTW I tagged you for something, go look.
I can totally relate... except at my (former) job, I was the senior person, and they hired this little tight-ass chicky in spike heels and low-cut shirts. Even though I'd been there longer and knew how to do everything, I had to watch all the guys in the office go running to her desk to drool over her and ask her to do stuff that it would have taken me half the time to do.
- M
ooo! Oooo! OOO! I do that too!
uhmm...sorry to say...but under the are the OTHER...cause she was there first..hehehe just saying...
but ur an Angelina Jolie-look-alike...she gots nothing on yah...
strange bird - Why thank you!
monicker - If I can get my leg up to kick, I will surely try :)
crystall - It's a talent that takes a lot of effort... and in this case, a dash of hatred.
wanderlusting - I'm interning in the television industry :)
caramaena - Sounds like everyone's rooting for me... maybe if I got my supervisor to read my blog they'd start rooting for me too. That or they'd fire me.
dropout - You? Systems? Scoff.
the ambiguous blob - What's the "right place" to kick an ass? :) Thanks!
the very - I hope that was a rhetorical question! (me... duh)
miss devylish - Huh?
jazz - Yeah, it could make for some good posts. Thanks for tagging me, I'll post mine when I get a chance!
marcheline - This is why I hate men like that... and women like her... they can wear those awful outfits and it works! Grr...
sipwine - We are so alike... re the facebook thing? ... I bet you totally looked and now you just don't want to be my friend! ... okay I can't decide if i would like to be facebook friends or not. I'll think about it if you want, but I assure you I would never judge.
c'est la vie!! - I know I'm the "other"... but... that's why I'm so mad! I guess I'll pull a Lara Croft on her ass.
Your first commenter said that was awesome. I just ditto'd it saying it was the awesomest.. that's all I meant. Yay. You go. That sort of thing.. you know. Right?
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