Wednesday, April 18

Laundry day

I'm the kind of girl who waits.

To do laundry, at least.

I wait until my last piece of acceptable underwear is gone. Then, I'm left with the undesirable pile (yes, I have a pile. It is folded). Then, as soon as it isn't raining/too late at night/there is anything better to do, I force myself to go.

This time, I broke into my undesirable pile two weeks ago. Every night that I was free to do laundry, I found an excellent excuse to avoid it. There was the homework. The pot. The rain. The schedule.

Then yesterday, I used my very last pair of socks. Not even my undesirable socks were left (those ones I just throw in with the regular pile. But there is still a pile). I searched through the drawer. And yes, I had only one pair of underwear left. "Tomorrow is the day," I sighed. Then smiled: at least I didn't have to do it then!

Today, I left my friend NiceGuy's room after a riotous episode of The Office to do my homework. "Maybe I'll bring it over?" I wondered out loud.

"Yeah, definitely" He offered.

Oh wait. Laundry. "Nevermind," I whined, then explained. Oh well. I got home and separated all of my dirty clothes (every piece of clothing that I've worn in the past month) into two piles. Whites and darks. The darks pile... was... out of hand. Out of laundry bag, even.

"I guess I'll just have to do two loads of darks," I grumbled, making the familiar promise to myself that I would do laundry before it got this out of hand next time. I gathered the laundry bag, the detergent, the change (no pockets on laundry day!), and the overflowing clothes. Then I searched for my key.

I left, walked the 50 feet or so to the laundry room in my proud laundry day clothing: gray PJ pants, a black slip, a bra, and a knit sweater. Hott. As I approached the laundry room door, I saw orange tape in an X over the door, Katrina dead-body style. "Oh crap," I said, turning the door knob. I turned in horror to see all 4 washers and dryers with "Out of Order" signs taped on top of them.

So... commando time?


Dropout! said...

You're dirty.

I like it.

pink jellybaby said...

time to wash your smalls in the sink or turn them inside out i think!!

Beatrix Kiddo said...

Just don't go commando with a skirt on a windy day. Unless that's your thing.

Anonymous said...

Commando is in - just don't try it on top

S* said...

Time to learn to drop your laundry off at the full-service laundromat. Best thing ever.

me said...

cammando it is...

tex said...

I agree with Dropout! But I know here in Texas they have people who charge by the pound to do your laundry and press everything, CHEAP! Just a thought. And if you hate laundry day that much it could become a habit. I know it is for me.....

The Very Reverend Ace Clemmons, Jr. said...

you just just have our laundery done. its just worth it period. time vs. $$.

but that should not stop you from going commando. As amatter of fact, i insist. ;)


[] said...

At this point, I'd be using the sink and my hairdryer.

Sofia said...

or you could buy a pack of cheap underwear...

Anonymous said...

I once counted over 30 pairs of underwear in my drawer - probably just as many pairs of socks. For the same reason. dont wanna do laundry.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

time to go shopping for new ones.

Anonymous said...

that katrina comment was kind of tasteless...

Jessica said...

I just love the phrase "My undesirable pile"

Ripsy said...

bitch, i have a washer and dryer in my apartment for frizzzeee.

fuck the person offended by your katrina remark. i am king p.c.

Anonymous said...

Thank god you didnt name the post Dirty Diana

Anonymous said...

omg i never leave comments but when i read this one it really hit home and my heart and everything else it could hit including my overflowing laundry pile(s). i have an undesirable pile of socks and underwear too. i broke into it two weeks ago. but my stupid building with its stupid management has a TOKEN system so i cant even gather change and just do my fucking laundry. NO i have to fucking buy tokens (seriously what the fuck is THE TOKEN SYSTEM) from the super-whatever the rest of the word is-guy and for the third time in two months the dude quit so no tokens. no laundry. i just go shopping for new underwear and clothes. BUT i have the answer for u...
FEBREZE (maybe not for underwear though)but everything else.
its gross but what can u do? i even febreeze my roommate when she hasnt showered...
no im joking. but i totally would if she didnt shower..

Bittersweet Confusion said...

HA! Loved this post. I drop off my laundry but have this thing about sorting it before dropping it off because I don't trust them enough not to get a red sock into the whites... SO i wait until the last possible moment to drop it off. I think my worst times are when the scale tips above 50 lbs... That means no "undesirables" and I've been hand washing my intimates for about a week... Ok I've said too much..

GrizzBabe said...

Just do what I do and go buy new underwear. Consequently, I own an insane number of panties.

Sean said...

laundry, the dishes and cooking... the dark side of living alone.

Lynn Green said...

I treat each day of my life as if it were the last day of my life. That explains why my house is a mess and my laundry is never done because who wants to clean house and do the laundry on the last day of their life?

The Accidental Bitch said...

dropout Well, I'm dirty because of you. So I'm glad you like it.

pink jellybaby - lol! Inside out? That is sooo hilarious. And gross.

beatrix kiddo - Sounds like maybe you learned this from experience...?

princess extraordinaire - Oh, and what's wrong with not wearing a bra?

s* - Hmm, for some reason that sounds too expensive.

kittenpower - Heh... excited? ;)

tex - Yeah, I think that service has a high addiction risk for me.

ace - I'm not sure I will go commando unless you steal all my underwear. Feel free to try..

monicker - If I'm too lazy to go to the laundry room, I'm definitely too lazy to hand wash my underwear and dry them with a hair dryer.

sofia - That would require walking, since I don't have a car for the time being...

bluelovergirl - I know, socks and underwear are really the deciding factors in when I do my laundry. Which is why I own so much.

the ambiguous blob - I would feel too guilty, since I already own far too much underwear.

anon - There was an X on the door. It reminded me of Katrina. I can't censor my thoughts, and why should I lie about them when I write a blog entry? I wasn't equating human deaths with a laundry room emergency.

jessica - lol yeah... turns me on.

ripsy - I hate you. Except that you defended me against anon, so... I sort of hate you.

anon - I don't get it...

anon - lol I didn't know that a post about laundry could "hit home" but I'm glad it did. And I'm glad I'm not the only crazy person.

bittersweet confusion - Okay I would totally separate my whites and colors too. But yeah, washing intimates by hand sounds like a drag.

grizzbabe - Oh, I do. I do that alll the time, so I have too much underwear now and buying any more is completely unjustifiable.

sean - Because when you live with somebody, they'll do it for you? What man-thinking.

lynn green - So do you go to work?