Tuesday, May 22

Sorry for wearing blue, officer

As I drove home from my brand-new job today, I heard a story on NPR.

The city council in Sunnyside, Washington passed an ordinance based on California legislation that makes it illegal to be a gang member. The law allows police to stop and question anybody they suspect to be part of a gang.

Officials thus discourage people from wearing "gang clothes" or making "gang gestures" and warn that based on such signals, they are entitled to stop and question you.

I don't know what the gang colors are in Sunnyside, but in the past I've heard any number of signals about gangs. Like wearing a red bandana. Or a blue shirt.

Thank goodness the police can now stop me for making a secret handshake in public! I mean, if I was in a gang last Thursday, I'd like to find out about it. I keep forgetting which one it was, too.


Sean said...

new job?

Beatrix Kiddo said...

"Illegal to be a gang member?" What the hell? Why can't the police appreciate what gangs have done for society instead of persecuting them, huh? Without gangs, we wouldn't have such amazing movies like West Side Story and books like The Outsiders. Who are the Pony Boy's of today supposed to look up to, huh?

The Very Reverend Ace Clemmons, Jr. said...

That would be the "Commando Gang"

the very.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

That is just plain ridiculous.

me said...

When I lived in CT as a child, you were not allowed to certain color combinations b/c they were "gang colors" to school.
Silly. We were close to Hartford though. That could explain things...

But that was in a school, not a state or a town.

Good grief.

Anonymous said...

Okay...so if my car is blue I'm screwed....just wait till I put paisley on it.....hmmmmmmm

Malnurtured Snay said...

Isn't it ALREADY illegal to be a gang member?

Sipwine said...

At least they could have defined "gang" I mean if someone called in a "gang of star war people" what would they do? Arrest Luke Skywalker?

Moderator said...

I never knew you were in a gang.

Anonymous said...

There is a high school in my town that will not allow you to wear a solid black or white shirt "because of racism." What the hell is that?!

The Accidental Bitch said...

sean - Good point. I'll explain :)

beatrix kiddo - lol...

the very - You definitely caught me off guard there with your masterful commando insertion. Well played.

the ambiguous blob - I agree completely

kittenpower - I believe only the private sector is allowed to make such restrictions on peoples' personal expression, because by participating you are agreeing to forego your rights. Otherwise... illegal.

princess extraordinaire - Well, in that case your car is the one in a gang. I'm not sure which one, though. Now what happens when you wear red in your blue car? Oh no... brain hurts

malnurtured snay - No. It is illegal to perform violent acts, to steal, to murder, to do a lot of the actions that are associated with gangs. But being a gang member is assuming an IDENTITY, not performing specific actions.

sipwine - hah I know, I thought of that too. I believe Darth would be the first one in trouble. Although he might be sneakier than Skywalker...

grant miller - I know, me neither! wtf!

anon - That's the worst thing I've ever heard. That is ridiculous.

Miss Devylish said...

More and more cities are starting to hint at becoming police states. Tony Blair is trying to get something passed before he steps down as prime minister in England that anyone anywhere for any reason can be questioned if they're suspected of anything terrorist related. Yeah.. cuz that'll work.

But I think they'll need to define gang a bit better - don't the Masons have secret handshakes and signs? The Elks too? Pretty soon, they'll be after the PTA of the local schools, then where will it end??!