Sunday, September 2

Starting the school year under your spell

Tomorrow I fly out of Washington, back to school...

Looking at the orientation week events, I noticed that our "first themed dance" of the year is the Black Magic Dance... Because, according to them, "Magic isn't only for Harry and his friends!"

What does one wear to something like this?


Anonymous said...

ummmmm.... something black, preferably with sparkles in or around it. Maybe basic black with a floaty cape thing.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm..try harry potter does DC...or maybe not...

Beatrix Kiddo said...

Just don't show up and tell everyone who asks that you were there the whole time- under your invisibility cloak.

Ripsy said...

A gryffindor scarf and matching panties.

A. Marigold said...

Clearly a pointy hat. Duhhhhh.

Moderator said...

Why do you always have to bring race into it?

Bittersweet Confusion said...

I would go in full Elvira garb... Just make sure you pack some extra double stick tape for the *ahem* conservative neckline...

H said...

I'd wear a batman outfit.

The Accidental Bitch said...

anon - Why the sparkles?

princess extraordinaire - How would I do the DC part?

beatrix kiddo - haha AWESOME!

rispy - Actually....

strange bird - But then I'll look like all the OTHER witches!

grant miller - LOL I actually was thinking that when I read the event info.

bittersweet confusion - I don't remember Elvira.. maybe I'm a bit behind on my potter...

heather - Haha! How appropriate.



Bittersweet Confusion said...


The Ambiguous Blob said...

not much.