Cuddling: the new fucking?
Hey y'all. That's right: "y'all". I'm in North Carolina now. And apparently I'm such a chameleon that I need to start speaking like a southerner.
I'm visiting my dad for my spring break, and what this means is that 1) I get to see the PUPPY! and 2) I get to see other people. My dad recently married a woman who has two kids of her own, so I have a sister who's a year younger than me and a brother two years younger. My step-sister and I were hanging out last night after the parents went to bed, and she started telling me about all these guys who were texting her out of the blue saying they want to cuddle.
Cuddle? "Is that code for something?" I asked.
"I don't think so," she replied, shrugging.
"Do you tell these people that you love to cuddle or something?" Why would a bunch of guys have the end goal of cuddling with her?
"No, I have no idea where they're getting this from!"
By the end of the night, six different guys had expressed a specific interest in cuddling with my step-sister. (I, of course, received zero calls) Seriously though. They meant "screw" or "fool around", right? Or is this a southern thing?
sure sounds like it....
EEEEEE PUPPY! Email him to me, please.
And you know what I mean when I say cuddle.
As someone who attends a semi-Southern university I will say that yes, boys in the South/from the South like to cuddle. Sure, they like doing other stuff too...but they do like just cuddling.
Are they gay? What the hell is wrong with them? Please, we guys, have better things to do than cuddle!!!!
I'm from the south...born and bred...and yes boys like to cuddle but ONLY because that's there chance to be really close so that they can go in for the "kill". They think it sounds so cute and so sweet when they say they just want to cuddle and girls agree thinking "aww he's so sweet" and then their pulling your clothes off...etc. Not that it's ever happened to me. cough yes cough it has cough
oh and Eric, learn a little tact.
I've seriously dated a couple of young guys (sue me) who LOVED to cuddle. The youngest one, especially. And I live in the South. So, maybe it's a fad down here.
And yeah, it meant just what it sounded like, they just wanted someone to hold and snuggle with.
I'm with Anon on this one. I think this is a way for the guys to seem harmless and without expectations but it's just a way to get close enough to have the chance to make their "real" move.
What part of NC are you in? I have family there too.
my boy is from Alabama. He's ok with cuddling, but he prefers to do it naked. In the shower.
its only southern if its her brother.
I get too.. umm.. excited when I try to just cuddle. There's something about the smell of a woman's neck. Yum.
I would never do that with a friend, and if you're in cuddle range, look out! ;)
ive lived in the south my whole life and i am the same age as your step-sister. boys usually use cuddling as a gateway to gain your trust until you will give them the good stuff. BUT, i cant imagine getting texts from 6 different guys in one night asking for it specifically. they dont like the word cuddle. its usually the more typical "wanna hang out?" or "lets watch a movie"
I have to agree, this is all too suspicious. How well do you know your step sister? She got texts from six guys in one night? My eyebrow raised a little upon hearing that.
Isn't spring break a time for girls going wild and stuff?
I think it means the same thing there that it does everywhere.. Six guys?? Would her name be on the bathroom wall somewhere by chance? 'Good for cuddling, call... '?
I need to find a Southern boy.
I agree with anon...
But apparently she's known for "cuddling." She may be a closet whore and was playing dumb on you.
How funny though!
I think they're just trying to sound romantic and trying to avoid sounding crass.
I think it's all semantics - another euphamism for SEX on the sly
Anon 1: Get over it...
Six guys in one night? That does seem a little odd.
I'm born and bred in the south. Southern men cuddle. It's a way of respecting boundaries but still being close. When she's ready for more though, I guarantee they'll be more than ready.
I live in North Carolina and southern guys do like to cuddle. However, they are always ready for more!
exactlty i sit here getting so many emails from some poor canadien girl that has posted some slutty single adds on craigslist & gumtree and I am the recipient of some of her responses because our emails are so similar. what wankers...
hers- compared with mine its complete bollacks
WTF?! I've lived in the dirty south all my life and never heard of that as a euphemism for sex. They may actually mean "cuddling." Every guy even the players love to cuddle. I think whatever loud-mouthed girl got a guy who didn't like cuddling just told her that becauser her feet were too fucking cold.
In Jersey, we only cuddle to get her in the mood for more. That's how we roll.
Cuddling...that is what THe JACK always wanted to do. Yuck. I think some guys really mean it. If they have a penis that doesn't work, or an STD, they will settle for cuddling. Great.
I am now addicted to your blog. I went and read your archives to catch up and now I can't stop. You're just hilarious. As far as your step-sister is concerned, why are all these guys so intent on "cuddling" with her? Does she have beer-flavored nipples? That's a quote from 10 Things I Hate About You, btw, but it seemed appropriate.
I think that they were being guys and trying to say what they think a girl wants to hear...
greetings..... i am the owner of, you know the one that posted the slutty ad only it's not me that posted any slutty ad it's my psycho wanker of an ex beau who hacked me and has been creating all sorts of email nastiness. so sorry for the trouble if it's any consolation i've had tons of icky replies too. most unpleasant all off it. how can we get him back?
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