Smokin' finals
Does it sound judge-y to say "Well, I'm not going to judge you, but..."
The ex-Ex told me he was going to smoke pot before taking one of his finals. I thought that was a little... wrong. Even if the final won't do anything to affect his grade, like he says.
But wrong often passes for "funny" in the best comedies. Fucking an apple pie? Wrong, but funny. Taking a test stoned?
... Hmm...
he has it planned out?
how prepared of him...
Seems like a calculated high. Is he conducting some study to see how being stoned will affect him during an exam?
"Does it sound judge-y to say 'Well, I'm not going to judge you, but...'"
Yes. Any statement that needs to be prefaced with a qualifier like that, well, it's basically advertising that you're about to judge. Like saying, "no offense, but... you are an asswhore."
Mmmm, asswhore....
Did he study high as well? State-learning is an actual thing - if he learned the material stoned, he might actually do better on the test if he takes it stoned...unfortunately this little trait of his makes him super unattractive
I can see where it would help him relax. Actually, I come up with the best theses and write my best papers while stoned.
My boyfriend is jealous of my ability to be academically coherent while stoned, but I'm jealous of his ass because he's super relaxed and smart all the time. Asswhore.
It's not funny, it's just lame.
actually if you study stones, you should take the test stoned. there have been studies on this - much like if you study commando, you should take the test commando. I'll be researching that one. like to be a subject?
the very
Does it seem wrong that the thought of TAB as an asswhore turns me on? Hmmm.
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
It would make a funny episode on some sitcom.
Are you writing these sitcom ideas down? I expect to watch them on tv one day ;)
What I'm wondering is why his need to tell you? What did he expect you to do/say?
But why??
Why would you blow thousands and thousands of dollars to go to college, get an education, and prepare for a future if you're just going to shit it away because you can't do anything without getting stoned? Or... whatever.
I don't really have a big problem with pot - used to smoke it myself - but then I went to Big Kid World and discovered that because it's illegal, you can't get good jobs or do anything of importance if you smoke all the time.
Weed becomes in an inhibitor to living your life...
I hope the Ex-ex realizes that what he's doing now is setting the precedent for his future.
Best of luck to him on the test, though :).
PS: I think you should so be hookin' it up with the Filmmaker. Just my opinion though, and any ass can fart one of those.
kittenpower - Yeah he doesn't usually smoke during the week so I guess it's a big deal?
airam - Kind of. He said he wanted to try it out.
dropout - Why is it that you only ever respond to the rhetorical parts of my posts?
dropout - Mmm... ass
bluelovergirl - Yeah, that's exactly what he said. I don't find it that unattractive, but only because he told me that his grade on the final doesn't matter. Otherwise...
moonstone hippie - Haha I guess it would be better to be smart while sober... but yeah I tend to have valuable ideas while stoned.
catherinette singleton - Yeah I don't know why it occurred to him
the very - That was his plan. As well as mine... *Commando mode*
anon - It may seem wrong, but it is oh-so right...
the ambiguous blob - Ah yes! You convinced me.
heather - lol I pictured the ones like in Pleasantville. "We have to talk about your grades, son. What happened?" "I... I took the test stoned, Pop." *crowd laughs*
sipwine - Do you have satellite? Because I doubt if that would get onto regular OR cable TV. ;)
s* - Hm, I didn't think about that. I think he was just telling me about his week and it came up. I hope he didn't expect anything from it...
notcarrie - I agree...
amber - Well, he said that the only reason he's doing it is because he has a guaranteed grade in the class, no matter how well he does on the final. He studied his ass off for his other finals, and he said that he doesn't like smoking that often because he doesn't like feeling unmotivated the way you do when you smoke really often. The filmmaker is in Rhode Island now, and I am in Seattle and happy with The ex-Ex... but I liked him a lot. So... too bad! Oh well.
I always wrote my best college papers high (with footnotes). But one thing I would say is that pot is a lot stronger now than it was 20 years ago. I don't think I could get shit-all done these days high.
Oh judge him already.. and if you won't, I will.. I think it's dumb. But just my opinion sugar.
"Why is it that you only ever respond to the rhetorical parts of my posts?"
Because then I never have to say anything of substance, I get to point out the obvious, which is a vital part of my job as Noticer of Things, and I get to talk about asssex, which I had last night with your mom.
See? Just like this comment!
I took the LSAT's stoned in 2005, and got in the 50th percentile.
Unfortunately, I forgot to apply to law school.
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