Wednesday, August 22

Because two wrongs apparently DO make a right...

Dear Every Single Person In My Workplace,
Thank you SO much for not informing me that you could quite obviously see my bra under my shirt.  You know how I love flouncing around like a drunken prostitute at work!  Thank you for helping me celebrate my individuality.
The Accidental Buffoon


GrizzBabe said...

But that's the style these days.

tex said...

Accidental Drunken Prostitute. I like that title....

pink jellybaby said...

ooooooo sometimes you just wish people wouldn't say anything! once you've been told once, that's surely enough!

caramaena said...

uh oh...

So how exactly did you discover this, then?

londongirl said...

I recently had my skirt zip undone and the first person to tell me, told me at 3pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not impressed.

AnkleBone said...

Every workplace should have a standard amount of drunken prostitutes wandering around - it's a morale thing.

Moderator said...

I enjoy flouncing too.

Miss Devylish said...

Well, they probably needed some free entertainment.. At least you found out eventually.. right? Like before 5.. right?

deadspot said...

It's so cute that you call them your "wrongs".