A joke for the ladies
Have you ever heard the joke that goes like this?
Guy: "Hey, I bet you $2 that I can make your boobs shake without touching them."
Girl: "Really?" Girl considers. "Okay! Let's make it $5!"
Guy: "No, I only have $2." Guy pulls $2 out of his wallet, gives to friend who is watching. "Ready?"
Girl: "Okay..." She holds extra still and looks down.
Guy grabs girls boobs and shakes them.
Girl: "What the hell?!"
Guy: "Here's your $2. You win."
I found out alllll about that funny joke on Saturday night.
Can I have my $2 back?
That is F-ing awesome.
I'm retelling that one to everyone
OMG !!!! I laughed so hard at that until I read your last line!!
Someone did that to you????
Thanks for the public service announcement, I'll be on the lookout for $2 boob-shakers now.
Hah! That is halarious!
holy crap! that actually happened to you??!
Too funny...
what did you do with the $2?
boys are so creative!
That was supposed to be funny? Meh.
Hahah.. If I knew I wasn't going to get slapped, I'd totally try that! :)
did you tell him that if he really wanted to touch them that bad, he could've just asked???
Wait Wait. I don't get it.
Too bad April Fool's Day is gone past, and girls don't tend to like fellow girls shaking their boobies. Sigh.
HAHAHAH! I love it!
Never was naive enough to fall for that one.
But I WAS naive enough to fall for the "bet you can't touch your elbows behind your back."
My high school nickname was "Captain Juggs" - you think I would have known better.
I fell for that one, too, Wanderlusting!
Saturday? Weren't we together? Who did that?
eric - Hah! You WISH that had been you.
sipwine - lol only if retelling it means doing it to someone! We could do the same joke except say "balls" instead of "boobs"
airam - Of course! Someone did it, and two guys watched.
beatrix kiddo - Careful, they might also try the same joke with $5 or $10. ;)
princess extraordinaire - I attract halarious, so we shouldn't be too surprised. Just appalled.
ripsy - Jealous?
kittenpower - Of course that happened to me! I never give false reporting. I'm the most reliable news source of... me. But that's pretty impressive, too.
ace - Wallet. Actually, crumpled them up and threw them in my purse and then thought about it again when I found $2 in my wallet, got all excited, and then realized where the bills were from.
the ambiguous blob - Yeah but now I know their weakness.
s* - Yeah, I think it was supposed to be funny to THEM. To us, it's just retarded.
single guy blogging - Oh... I forgot to slap them because I was too embarrassed. But don't think you'd be so lucky!
dcchick - No, I did not, because that would have been lying.
grant miller - Um... get it now?
em and cee - You can always use passover/Easter as an excuse. "Hey, it's Easter! I always do practical jokes on Easter!"
the boob lady - I'm not surprised, since your name is "the boob lady." But I AM glad you enjoyed it.
wanderlusting - Worst part is, right after it happened I remembered having heard it before somewhere.
bigbottommcgee - That one was explained to me before it was tried on me, so I was wise.
winter - Laugh it up, you're next!
dropout - It was the Irish guys. And I didn't tell you because it wasn't exactly my best moment, plus I don't like admitting when I do something stupid.
Oh sweetie.. that type of joke is so old. But the upside is that you'll only fall for it once. :)
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