Wednesday, June 20

In the closet

"It's 4:20," Creative Insult Guy said with a snicker.

I laughed.

Creative Insult Guy drew in a sharp breath. "TAB! How do you know what that is?"

I laughed again. "Um... I was just laughing because YOU know what it is."

"What does 420 mean?" The wench asked.

"Seriously?" I told her what it meant.

"People who smoke pot are LOOOSERS," she said.

I wanted to question her assumption or tell her she was wrong somehow, but sensed that that might be a bad idea. Instead, I ignored her remark and concentrated on her question: "Where does that meaning come from?"

"Why don't you look it up?" I asked. She refused.

I tried telling Cliche girl on IM about how stupid the wench was, but after I finished my story with the "pot smokers are LOOOSERS" comment, all she said was "They totally are." I then discreetly argued with her about whether that was a judgmental thing to say.

And then I got afraid of being found out to be a pot smoker. I feel like a closet smoker. I had to hide my smoking when I first applied, and now I have to listen to people judge pot smoking in the workplace without challenging them too openly. It's like I'm a gay person working in the army. No one can know.


Ripsy said...

Welcome to my life. Or not. Whatever.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

seriously though, drugs are bad.
However, I heavily encourage one of my roomies to smoke weed because she calms the fuck down.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Anonymous said...

I to am in the proverbial herbal closet. I have "come out" to my parents and some like minded co-workers, but still am living the lie, day in and day out. Some day I hope I can openly be accepted by society. I think many people would be amazed at how many well respected and responsible people are smoking.

Beatrix Kiddo said...

I guess I kind of know how you feel. All the other interns at my company know I'm an underage drinker, but my supervisor and other co-workers think I'm a big goody-two-shoes. I guess the only real difference between you and me is that in another year what I do will be legal, but I'm still waiting to hear the verdict on yours.

Miss Devylish said...

I find that it really depends on your surroundings on what you think about it. In high school, only the pot-head types did it and they were never thought of as uber bright, but they weren't complete outcasts. When I went overseas, no one ever did it and if you did, you were lowest of the lowest scum of the earth. In Canada, it's normal to use it daily. I rather like the Canadians' way of thinking - to each his/her own. And they're more fun.

Anonymous said...

The only people I know that smoke pot are successful, yuppie types - not the cliched "Half Baked" slacker/stoner types. It's pot - not angel dust for chrissakes. People should lighten up.

Moderator said...

I'm totally the same way. Nobody would ever guess I'm waay into beastiality.

Anonymous said...

Pot causes sexual dysfunction. That reason alone is enough to NEVER indulge:)

Sipwine said...

I've never smoked it, but I honestly wouldn't pass judgment on people who've done it. I definitely wouldn't call them losers... one of the smartest guys I've ever met has been a huge smoker

Scotty said...

I'm a gay person working in the army. No one can know

Having been in the military, I love the analogy :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know why you'd want to smoke pot or do any other drug, personally....
I guess to each his/her own...
As long as it's not hurting anybody and as long as you don't have children you would have to leave if you got caught...

Bridget M. Burns said...

Ha. We had a big conversation at the Weekly the other day about how we could never have drug testing because no one would be left working there. Hell, we smoke pot with each other.

Around here it's just not a big deal. You get judged more for smoking cigarettes.

A. Marigold said...

They forgot the key condition: pot smokers are only LOOOOSERS when they smoke pot after graduating college. That's a pretty sure signifier.

me said...

guess i'm a looser.

seriously, i'd rather hit a pipe than have a drink practically anyday.

and i feel like i'm a productive member of society. i pay my taxes, i have a good job, i donate to charity, i recycle, i'm well educated, i have a good relationship with my family, i dress well, i'm friendly, and i'm a good person. you'd never look at me and guess i'm a smoker.

the fake world does not see the smoking side to me, only the real world, which would be the people i trust.

i think everyone's chemistry is different and different things affect people differently. people who are too close minded to realize that everyone is not the same need to be kept at arms length in my book.

i'd say half the people at my work are of the pot smoking persuasion. most the people there are just a/b 40 years old. they have families, and are also productive members of society.

everyone has their vice, it just so happens that the pot vice is illegal due to past politics. remember when alcohol was illegal?

TAB, don't advertise it, but don't be afraid to let real people in your life know. truly, it's not a big deal. what you do in your private time is your business and your business only. if pot is the most scandalous thing in your life, you are a lucky lady.

twiffer said...

nearly everyone i know smokes pot. though some will only do it when drunk. or, they "used to" but will happily puff if you pass 'em a joint. and yes, these are all adults with white-collar jobs.

i suppose it might depend on where you live.

H said...

Oh, I don't know what I would do if I couldn't smoke. It has calmed my anxiety many a times. And I agree with everything kittenpower said, too.

S* said...

I don't smoke. It's just not for me. I'm not gonna judge someone who does.

I'd suggest that you not offer up the fact that you do unless the other person offers it up first. It's the just the way of the world...people judge you, the wrong person could find out and you jeopardize your job, etc.